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Blocks API

Blocks happen when your email is rejected because of an issue with the message itself rather than an issue with the recipient's address.

There are several causes for blocked emails. For example, your mail server IP address may be blocked by an ISP, or the receiving server may flag the message content using a filter. Twilio SendGrid will not suppress future messages to blocked addresses by default.

For more information, please see our Blocks documentation.

You can also see your Blocks in the Suppressions settings menu of the Twilio SendGrid App.

Delete a specific block

DELETE /v3/suppression/blocks/{email}

Base url:

This endpoint allows you to delete a specific email address from your blocks list.


  • API Key


default: Bearer <<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>>

The on-behalf-of header allows you to make API calls from a parent account on behalf of the parent's Subusers or customer accounts. You will use the parent account's API key when using this header. When making a call on behalf of a customer account, the property value should be "account-id" followed by the customer account's ID (e.g., on-behalf-of: account-id <account-id>). When making a call on behalf of a Subuser, the property value should be the Subuser's username (e.g., on-behalf-of: <subuser-username>). See On Behalf Of for more information.

default: None

Path Parameters


The email address of the specific block.

default: None


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        Delete a specific block

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